Thursday, June 20, 2019

Voter Participation in Elections Research Paper

Voter Participation in Elections - Research Paper ExampleAge and Citizenship are usually among the criteria used in most of the countries where a bar is set as a limitation for ones right to vote.In the past few decades, voters kit had been change magnitude but recently, the fishing rigs have gone down in most of the worlds conventional democracies (Franklin, 2004). Decline in the poll turnout is sometimes considered seance a problem in many countries. The problems range from economic to cultural, demographical to technological. Institutional factors are also part and parcel of a failed voters turnout (Milner, 2007).The political class has in most cases carried the blame on the topic of low turnout. This is because whenever they are elected to public office, they dont do profuse to ensure that they fulfill the will of the people. This is much time is as a result of matters of corruption due to the leave out of transparency in their leadership. Repeated lack of transparency and accountability, and massive corruptions in the government elective office even after the change of leadership from time to time demoralizes the voters and them, therefore, dont cypher the need of participating any more in the subsequent elections. Therefore, the voters turnout decreases with time. If some reforms concerning the holders of political institution are not interpreted to consideration, the voters turnout will continue to diminish year after year, from one election to another.Declining participation in elections results to some of the more rough-cut problems affecting the majority of the citizens of modern democratic federal Government. The shortage experienced can also be associated to a bigger problem on wellness of its democratic system which results from a deteriorating turnout in major decision making polls of a country. If the social and political forces that are driving turnout down are of a long term, the problem of low voter participation

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