Thursday, June 13, 2019

Assess the relationship between American security policy and American Essay

Assess the relationship between American security policy and American global economic policy during the Cold struggle - Essay ExampleThe nuclear arms race was primarily focused on the two world superpowers at the time the United States and the Soviet Union. Both countries, being at odds in terms of political and economic structures, were trying to prove the worth of country (in the US) and of communism (in the USSR) and this was the central point in the Cold War. Given the international power of twain countries in terms of military might and global alliances, both the Soviet Union and the United States lived in constant fear of the other and subsequently both nations became involved in the so-called arms race to happen as many nuclear bombs as possible. This was a deterrent t puzzle outic on the fortune of both countries whereby it became clear that if either were to strike in an act of war, the other would retaliate to the fullest extent and cause maximum damage. Ironically it was the huge stores of nuclear bombs that were meant to keep the United States and the Soviet Union from attacking one another(prenominal) and turning the Cold War into a real war.Ano Another security policy employed in the United States during the Cold War was networking (Sumi and Salla 103). The main accusing of the American government at this time was the containment of communism around the world, and to stop the spread of an ideology it viewed as fundamentally flawed and dangerous, the US did its best to get up alliances or simply maintain friendly relationships with those countries that were in close proximity to the Soviet Union. For the most part, this meant the close observation of western European nations and in particular(a) a high interest in the economic status of both westward and East Germany. Since World War II Germany was a divided nation, with the West side adopting capitalism and democracy while the East remained communist. Like the Korean and Vietnam wars, th e struggles of West and East Germany became a physical battlefield for the ideals of a Cold War between two nations that would never formally take action (Ball and Arnold 132). The goal of the United States being to remain a safe country while at the same time oppressing communism meant that international networking was get word, and this is why security policies and international economic policies were connected so closely during the Cold War. The major influence of the United States over key western European nations came because of the War in the aftermath of World War II a great deal of infrastructure and structural damage had been make to countries like the United Kingdom, Italy, Portugal, Norway and Sweden, and with the conception of the Marshall Plan the US had figured out how to use international foreign economic policy to its direct favor over the Soviets (Bonds 180). The Marshall Plan, otherwise known as the European Recovery Plan, channeled funds to ailing economies wh o promised to support capitalism and democracy in return. For the most part these countries were already pro-democracy and had no interest in

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