Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Super Bowl Commercial 2014 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

extremely Bowl Commercial 2014 - Essay ExampleIn less than ten seconds, each scene tells a story of a thousand words. There is no mention of the filth name or image of the Microsoft logo throughout the commercial until the very end of the commercial.I suppose the commercial brings out the personality of Microsoft. Microsoft strives to invent and develop amazing computer software that caters for not only ordinary people, but people with specific or special needs also. Technology has made life simpler and better. Technology has made peoples dreams a reality and Microsoft is at the forefront of such initiatives.The Super bowl 2014 Apple Inc commercial a competitor of Microsoft known for its IOS operating systems and OS X computer software did not have such a creative well thought through commercial (OGrady, 2014). The Apple Inc commercial concentrated on their product iPhone and not a broader perspective of what they are on the whole about. The Microsoft commercial was far more supe rior in terms of quality and was able to market Microsoft as a brand that cares and not a brand that wants to sell only. My favorite spot in the Microsoft commercial was a scene showing a small girl jumping up and down and let out from seeing her father probably through Skype. It brings out the aspect of how technology builds relationships. The Super bowl Microsoft Commercial 2014 was

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