Friday, June 7, 2019

Future Of Self Driving Cars Research Papers Essay Example for Free

Future Of Self Driving Cars Research Papers demonstrateIn the technical schoolnology world, the latest advancement is only as good as the close thing coming down the line. The auto industry is eer bringing us new technologies, whether it be for safety, entertainment, usefulness or simply for pure innovation (Neiger,C.). Unless youre an inveterate walker or a mass-transit rider, you probably drop dead more time in your railcar each week than anywhere except your workplace and your home. Its not always pleasant. Highway gridlock, a ineffectual search for a parking space or a brush with a thundering tractor-trailer can rattle each(prenominal) but the or so dot drivers. Things argon about to get better. A new wave of innovation, led by carmakers and automotive-tech companies, is transforming the driving experience. Thanks largely to on-board computers, our vehicles are becoming smarter, nimbler, and safer and more fun. (Human drivers, unfortunately, leave alone remain as erratic as ever.)Fully self-driving cars remain some long time away. But new technology in the next five to 10 long time will help Cars Park themselves, monitor the alertness of the driver and even communicate with each early(a) to obviate collisions.Tomorrows cars may bemuse self-parking cars, self-driving cars, long-range headlights, outback(a) airbags, learning system, connecting cars, and drivers health (Brandon,G.). For decades, car infotainment meant just a radio. Then tape decks began appearing, eventually being joined by CD players. Now, Tape decks have disappeared as a factory option (the last car to come with a tape player was sold in 2010), and the CD is entering a slow but inexorable decline. Theyre being replaced by smartphones and streaming media. Compared to even a few years ago, new cars are distant more connected to the outside world. Its a trend thats only going to continue. The always-updating consumer electronics industry and the fast rise of the smartpho ne have combined to condition consumers to an incredibly rapid paceof development. People expect new devices every couple of years that are faster and more powerful, and theyre bringing those expectations out of the Apple or Android or Microsoft store and into the car dealership. As we c all overed recently, this has created a new set of challenges and opportunities for the automakers.First Parking may be the most wordy thing about driving. Parallel parking is an ordeal for many drivers, but with parking space limited in big cities, squeezing your car into a tiny space is a vital skill (Grabianowski,E.) Even for veteran urban dwellers, parallel parking can be a challenge. And nobody enjoys circling a crowded shopping-center parking lot, jockeying with separate irritated drivers for the few open spaces. Fortunately, technology has an answer cars that park themselves. Imagine finding the perfect parking spot, but quite of struggling to maneuver your car back and forth, you simply press a button, sit back, and relax. The same technology use in self-parking cars can be used for collision avoidance systems and ultimately, self-driving cars. Self-parking cars can also help to solve some of the parking and traffic problems in dense urban areas. Cameras and sensors mounted in car bumpers measure the keep between the car and surrounding obstacles, allowing a semi-automated system to turn the steering wheel, move and brake to navigate into spaces (Brandon,G.).Sometimes parking a car in a space is restricted by the drivers skill at parallel parking. A self-parking car can fit into smaller spaces than most drivers can manage on their own. This makes it easier for people to find parking spaces, and allows the same number of cars to take up fewer spaces. When someone parallel parks, they often stuff a lane of traffic for at least a few seconds. If they have problems getting into the spot, this can last for several minutes and seriously take apart traffic. Self-parkin g technology would prevent many of these mishaps. It can also save money, since you wont have to worry about insurance claims for parking-related damage (Grabianowski,E.). Next up are cars that can park themselves at the push of a button. If you believe the hype, it would seem that self-driving cars are right around the corner.Google has been testing them for several years, and states like California and Nevada have authorized them for use on roads although only with a human behind the wheel. Autonomous-driving features, such as systems that recognize hazards and brake on their own to avoid collisions, are already on the market. But the fantasy of a car that automatically steers you to work while you read the morning paper or keep an eye on a few extras is still many years away. Autonomous driving is not going to mean jump in the car, push a button, show Take me to grandmas house and go to sleep, state James Bell, head of consumer affairs for GM. That may come someday, but not s oon.For decades, most automobile headlights were fairly uncomplicated. They pointed fixedly ahead, with separate high beams for greater visibility on dark roads. Then came the more energy-efficient halogen and xenon lights and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Now, automakers are pioneering a generation of smart headlights that can automatically adjust their brightness or direction depending on conditions. And a coming wave of laser high beams promises to illuminate the road ahead for a third base of a mile twice the range of LED high-beam headlights while using less energy. Audi and BMW are racing to be the first carmakers to offer laser lights in a production car BMW in its i8 plug-in hybrid and Audi in a yet-to-be-named model (maybe the Quattro) by 2015. Well be able to extend the range of headlights to (a distance of) six football fields, said Filip Brabec, director of product management for Audi. Thats 600 yards, or more than three north-south blocks in New York.Meanwhile, next- generation LEDs have sensors that can detect oncoming traffic and redirect the beams in such a way as not to blind other drivers. An onboard computer, linked with cameras, controls each of them to mask glare onto other vehicles while flooding the road with light. With such a system, drivers can keep their high beams on all the time instead of having to toggle back and forth. For decades, inflatable airbags have been protecting people in cars from the devastating jolt of collisions. There are airbags mounted in the dash, steering wheel, side panels, sterns and even seat belt. Despite their varied locations, these airbags all have one thing in common Theyre inside the vehicle. But what if someone made airbags that inflated on the outside to help protect the car and pedestrians before the moment of impact?TRW Automotive, a maker of safety technologies, is developing a large airbag that would fit into rocker panels on the side of the vehicle, on the beam below the doors. A system of cameras and radar onthe car would detect when a collision was imminent and send a signal to the airbag, which would inflate outward and upward within 30 milliseconds. In this way, the side airbag would absorb some of the energy of the collision before the vehicles frame was struck. clangor tests have shown that the external airbags can reduce the impact on a vehicles interior the inward crumpling of a cars frame and doors by up to 35%, said Emiliano Core, who is developing the airbag system along with Lothar Zink and other TRW engineers.http// We humans are flawed drivers. We sometimes get behind the wheel while sleepy-eyed or even drunk, and were easily distracted, whether by our electronic devices or something pretty outside our window. In the gravest circumstances, we can even have a stroke or substance attack behind the wheel (Kelly,H). This is why researchers, app developers and car companies are developing tech nology to monitor flesh-and-blood drivers and help them avoid accidents. Advanced sensors in the passenger cabin can monitor a drivers vitals such as heart rate, eye movements and brain activity to detect everything from sleepiness to a heart attack. Nissan is experimenting with an array of technology that detects drunken driving. A sensor in the transmission shift knob can measure the level of alcohol in a drivers sweat, while the cars navigation system can sound an alarm if it detects erratic driving, such as weaving across lanes (Kelly,H).http// For several years now, weve been hearing about a near future in which all of our digital devices communicate with each other. Your fridge notices that youre at the grocery store, for example, and sends a put across to your phone saying youre out of milk. Or your oven texts you when the pot roast is done. Now this so-called Internet of things is coming to the highway (Brandon G riggs). As cars grow more and more computerized, they will be able to trade messages about traffic, weather and road conditions. More urgently, they can broadcast their speed and direction and warn each other about potential safety hazards, such as when a nearby vehicle is drifting into your lane.If I can get information from the car next to me thattheyre going to turn right, that would be great, explains Maarten Sierhuis, director of Nissans research center in Silicon Valley.He imagines a day when information about near all vehicles is stored in the cloud and accessible by all. It would be like crowdsourcing the driving experience. This technology is called vehicle-to-vehicle communications, or V2V for short, and its not far off. In the first test of its kind, almost 3,000 cars and trucks equipped with prototype V2V devices have been driving around Ann Arbor, Michigan, over the past year-and-a-half as part of a pilot program by the University of Michigan and the U.S. division of Transportation (Brandon Griggs).Thanks to on-board computers that operate everything from the stereo and navigation to the brakes and accelerator, the era of big data is coming to the automobile (Peter Valdes-Dapena). Mercedes-Benz is developing a system that over time promises to learn your schedule, tastes and even your moods. For example, it knows that you leave the house every weekday at 730 a.m. to take your kids to school and that you like the cabin a toasty 75 degrees. Based on GPS and satellite data, it quickly learns your preferred routes and tracks real-time traffic problems, so it can suggest detours to help you save time (Peter Valdes-Dapena).http// Here are some of my favorite implications.Reduced deaths, reduced accidents.Saving LOTS of Money and Time.Massive Fuel Savings.No New Roads, Less Traffic.No Ownership Just On-Demand Usage.No Garages, No Driveways, No Parking.No Mandatory Car Insurance.At last, if s elf-driving cars are available in the market everyone will be exited and there will be lot of advantages. Some people may enjoy and love driving cars by themselves, for them this technology may or may not help. But lots of people will be beneficial. Old people and some handicapped people may definitely like this. By this future cars we can save time, money and accidents as well. This technology cars are going to be with us within next 5-10 years.ReferencesBrandon,G. (n.d.). The CNN 10 Future of driving. Retrieved fromhttp// Diamandis,P. (10-13-2014). Self-Driving cars are coming. Retrieved from http// Grabianowski,E. (n.d.). How self-parking cars work. Retrieved from http// Jonathan,m. (06-3-2014). The past, present, and future of in-car infotainment. Retrieved fromhttp// Kelly,H. (n.d.). The CNN 10 Future of driving. Retrieved fromhttp// Neiger,C. (n.d.). 5 Future car technologies that truly have a chance. Retrieved fromhttp// Valdes-Dapena,P. (n.d.). The CNN 10 Future of driving. Retrieved fromhttp//

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