Thursday, January 30, 2020

Single Parent Homes and Academic Achievement Essay Example for Free

Single Parent Homes and Academic Achievement Essay There are several theories that can be used to study the way family structure influences academic achievement, as well as to demonstrate the influence of other factors such as poverty and family resources. When these factors are more closely examined it is evident that within any family structure a lack of necessary financial and supportive resources will negatively affect children’s academic achievement. As the number of both single and two-parent families living in poverty rises, this research is important in helping to develop an educational system in the United States that is both equal and effective for the growing changes in family demographics. Keywords: academic achievement, single-parent homes, Family Deficit Model, Risk and Protective Factor Model, social capital theory, parental involvement Children from single parent homes are not as negatively impacted academically as some in the popular media suggest. Raising children without a partner presents many challenges, but there is research that points to strategies to mitigate these issues. Specifically in terms of children’s academic achievement, studies show that it is other social and environmental factors, not single parenthood itself, which accounts for the achievement gap between children from single-parent homes and their peers from nuclear families. Statistics In 2007, there were approximately 13. 7 million single parents in the United States (Wolf, 2011). This number was an increased from an estimated 11 million on 1994 (Engber, 1995). In roughly 81% of these homes, the mother is the custodial parent, with just 17% of fathers as the primary custodian. Of the mothers who are head of household, 45% are divorced or separated, 34. 2% have never been married, 19% are remarried (to someone other than other parent), and 1. 9% are widowed (Wolf, 2011). Other important statistic regarding single-parent homes is that almost 40% are living at or below the poverty line in the United States. Nearly 90% of single-parents however, are employed full-time (Wolf, 2011). This places many families in a situation where their income is too high to receive state funded services such as Medicaid and cash assistance, but not high enough to meet the family’s financial needs. Research models Different models have been used throughout the years to study the effects of single parenting on children. In the 1970’s the Family Deficit Model suggested that single-parent homes have a negative impact on children because the model starts from the assumption that the traditional nuclear family structure is ideal. This model did not take into account economic or other social factors that influence families. In the early 1990’s the Risk and Protective Factor Model was developed. This model states that family structure is one of several risk factors. Under this model, a risk factor can be any environmental, familial, or social factor that has the potential to have a negative impact on a family. Protective factors, as described by this model, are those that positively support a family and can lessen the effects of risk factors (Adoption Media LLC, 2011). A third theory used to research the effect of single-parent homes on academic achievement is social capital theory. Social capital refers to a person or family’s ability to access resources such as income and education. According to Shriner et al. (2010), â€Å"As a construct, social capital is measured by the quality and quantity of networks connecting children to the resources of their parents† (p. 447). Using this model, researchers have identified factors other than family structure that influence academic achievement. One article stated: Although similar to each other, adolescents in single-mother and stepfather family structures had lower grades and vocabulary scores compared to their two-biological-parent counterparts. In these family structures, the academic outcomes were more likely related to mothers’ race, education, monitoring, and attachment, than family structure. (Shriner, 2010, p. 446) Academic Achievement The phrase academic achievement refers to the level of mastery in certain subject areas, not including one’s potential to achieve (Center for American Progress, 2006). Beginning with the No Child Left Behind Act, states are required to measure academic achievement of public school students using standardized tests and other tools (Center for American Progress, 2006). There has been much debate over the effect of single-parenting on children’s academic achievement. Some studies have shown that children from single-parent homes do not perform as well in school and have higher dropout rates than children from two-parent homes (Entwisle, 1996). In 1988, it was reported that the rate of grade repetition for children of single parents was 75% higher than children from nuclear families (Entwisle, 1996). Other studies have stated that children from single-parent homes are less likely to attend college and perform less well on standardized tests (Hampden-Thompson, 2005). In contrast, other research demonstrates that being from a single-parent home is not necessarily detrimental to academic achievement. According to one website devoted to research and information on single-parenting: Exceptionally achieving individuals in virtually every human endeavor are more likely to have lost a parent Roe (1952a) learned from her examination of notable contemporary scientists that 15% had lost a parent by death before age 10. Broken down by field, this happened to 25% of the biologists, 13% of the physical scientists, and 9% of the social scientists. To place this figure in perspective, Roe referred to data showing that only around 6% of college students lost a parent by age 10. Roe also mentioned Bells (1937) work on illustrious mathematicians, in which around one-quarter had lost a parent before age 10 and nearly one-third before age 14 parental loss can occur by means other than orphanhood, such as alcoholism, abandonment, and divorce (The Liz Library) One of the reasons for the change in views on this issue may be that earlier research was conducted mainly with single-parent families that became that way through divorce. The research did not include the trauma of divorce and the change in socioeconomic status that is often the result of divorce. It could be these factors, not the family structure itself, that accounts for the differences in academic achievement (Entwisle, A Parents Economic Shadow: Family Structure Versus Family Resources as Influences on Early School Achievement, 1995). Parental education, particularly that of the mother, is also pinpointed as having a major influence on a child’s academic achievement (Shriner, 2010). Children who have mothers who did not complete high school scored lower on standardized tests in math and reading. Conversely, when those mothers acquired more education, children’s test scores improved (Shriner, 2010). Many young mothers who become pregnant in high school are amongst the group of single-parent families. If these women are not able to complete high school or go on to college, the result could be lower academic achievement for their children (Shriner, 2010). Another possible explanation for research that shows lower academic achievement in children from single-parent homes is lack of financial resources and policies that support various types of families. Of 11 countries studied by Pong, et al. (2003), the Unites States ranked lowest in achievement differences between children from single versus two-parent homes. The researchers in this study also found there are several countries with equally high rates of single-parent homes as the United States. A major difference however, is that the United States is the only country that did not offer government funded family allowances. Countries such as Austria, Norway, and Canada, offer these family allowances to lower-income families, which offer a major source of financial support (Pong, 2003). This extra income can provide enough support that a single parent can work just one job and be available to be more involved in the lives of their children. Parental Involvement In both single and two-parent homes, parental involvement in a child’s education is found to be a major factor influencing academic achievement (Shriner, 2010). Anne Lewis provides an example of this fact in her article: For example, factors that together explain almost 90% of the differences among eighth-graders in math performance on the 1992 National Assessment of Educational Progress are ones parents control: student absenteeism, variety of reading materials available in the home, and excessive television watching. Reading aloud to young children, the report says, is the single most important activity that parents can undertake to influence the future reading success of their children. (Lewis, 1995, p. 431) Several studies are now showing that factors such as time spent doing homework with children, mother’s level of education, and volunteering at a child’s school, contribute to higher levels of academic achievement (Shriner, 2010). Discussion Combining the vast body of research, one conclusion that can be drawn is that there are factors beyond family structure that impact academic achievement more than family structure itself. Poverty is consistently identified as a major contributor to lower achievement scores. While supporting children on one income rather than two makes it more likely that a single-parent family falls below the poverty line, as the economy continues to decline and unemployment numbers rise, more and more two-parent families find themselves in poverty as well (DeNavas-Walt, 2011). According the 2010 information from the U. S. Census Bureau, there are 46. 2 million people in this country living at or below the poverty line. This is the largest number found in the 52 years that poverty has been studied (DeNavas-Walt, 2011). In countries that have developed policies that help support and supplement families below the poverty line, the achievement scores on standardized tests have improved (Pong, 2003). Without solid support policies in place to assist families in poverty, despite the structure of that family, achievement scores will continue to fall in the United States. Building on the issue of poverty and academic achievement is the issue of parental involvement. With parental involvement being a key factor in academic success, it stands to reason that in families where one or more parent has to work more than one full-time job or one job with an excessive amount of hours, there is less opportunity for parental involvement in education. Despite the changing structure and economics of families in the United States, the educational system and governmental policies have not caught-up in terms of supporting family involvement (Lewis, 1995). There is research to indicate that stronger policies that support parental literacy and financial resources for low-income families is correlated with higher achievement scores (Pong, 2003). There is a great deal of research about family structure and academic achievement. Though it was previously thought that being in a single-parent household was in itself detrimental to a child’s achievement, research has now brought to light factors that are more specific and are now disputing the original conclusions about single-parent homes. This research will be instrumental in helping educators, parents, and policy-makers to make changes that will better support families and improve academic achievement in children in the United States. References Adoption Media LLC. (2011, November). Single Parenting and Childrens Academic Achievement. Retrieved from adoption. com: http://library. adoption. com/articles/single-parenting-and-childrens-academic-achievement. html This article cites significant research on the issue of single-parenting and academic achievement. Specifically the article discusses two of the major theories researched in terms of family structure, the Family Deficit Model and the Risk and Protective Factors Model. Adoption Media LLC provide community service information and resources to families considering adoption from any angle. This company has provided assistance and information to several news media organization, and thoroughly cites research for the articles on the website. Center for American Progress. (2006, July 26). Measuring Academic Achievement. Retrieved from americanprogress. rg: http://www. americanprogress. org/issues/2006/07/b1982011. html The Center for American Progress is a political action committee which reviews and advocates on different political issues. The website for this organization provides a detailed definition for the term academic achievement and how it is measured. DeNavas-Walt, C. P. (2011). U. S. Census Bureau, Current Populations Reports, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in t he United States: 2010. Washington D. C. : U. S. Government Printing Office. This

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Alcohol abuse among the elderly :: essays research papers

Alcohol Abuse Among the Elderly Population   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alcohol abuse among the elderly is a widespread problem through the United States. It is hard to discover by physicians and medical providers, because many of these people have been abusing alcohol secretly for years. The population is extremely unlikely to admit that they have problems with alcohol, especially during a routine health care visit. As many as 15% of the population over 65 may be heavy drinkers, although this number is hard to pin down.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Elderly people usually drink due to depression, loneliness and lack of social support. Most alcohol abuse comes from a lifetime history; whereas others develop alcoholic drinking patterns later in life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alcoholism accounts for more than 15% of health care costs in the elderly. It is associated with an estimated 100,000 deaths per year in the United States. Alcohol consumption can produce both benefits and risks. In terms of benefits, men who drink two to six alcoholic beverages per week have decreased mortality rates and lower cardiovascular disease when compared with abstainers. On the negative side, two studies of 300,000 men demonstrated increased mortality among those consuming more than 2 to 3 drinks daily. Women, are more affected by less alcohol than men, perhaps because they have a lower blood volume, and so it’s distribution and decreased activity for gastric alcohol dehydrogenase are increased.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The primary care physician plays an important role in making the diagnosis and in helping the older alcoholic receive proper medical and psychological care.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As patients grow older, and develop conditions that require prescription and over the counter medications, opportunities for dangerous alcohol/drug interactions increase.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Hong Kong Cultural Conversation

Conservation is now recognized worldwide as an important component of sustainable development, particularly in cities undergoing rapid development. In Hong Kong, however, it was not until the recent years that the city's government, citizens and the media have brought more attention to the development of the city's cultural and arts scene and preservation of the former British colony's unique cultural heritage. In response to the social unrest, the government has begun to develop a specific strategy with regard to the arts and culture.One main focus of their strategies lies in the preservation of Hong Kong cultural heritage. However, despite the government’s effort on heritage preservation, what probably is just as frustrating is the Hong Kong government’s awkward attempts at heritage preservation and privatization of public spaces. Is the government making progress to preserve our cultural heritage? Or is it just making progress to transform our heritage into commoditi es and taking further steps to engage in economic exploitation of public space?What elements should be put into consideration when we talk about cultural preservation and urban planning? Where are the missing parts in the design of existing projects to stand a chance of living the metropolitan spaces in accordance with the real needs and hopes of the people who live in the space? Problem that lies behind the positive metropolitan image of Hong Kong Despite the image of Hong Kong as a metropolitan city successful in international finance, commerce and tourism, a deep-rooted problem that lies in Hong Kong people’s heart is a lack of sense of belonging, a lack of Hong Kong identity.During colonial period, Hong Kong has been referred to as a borrowed space and borrowed time. Meanwhile, the differences in culture and civilization between Hong Kong and China created a barrier to Hong Kong people’s identifying themselves as Chinese. â€Å"Hong Kong’s lack of identity is also due to its status as not so much a place as a space of transit, whose residents think of themselves of transients and migrants on their way between China and other cities. Worse still, after the handover in 1977, we have been experiencing limited democracy in our society, as reflected in limited political rights granted to the public and lack of public election mechanism. â€Å"Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong† therefore remains a political slogan and still a goal. Searching for Hong Kong identity continues, and this psychological barrier partly explains why the Hong Kong brands and products often faced the criticism of lacking a unique identity.Conserving cultural heritage as a way to define self identity The limitations on democracy in post-colonial Hong Kong is causing more public outcry to seek expression or confirmation of their identities through preservation of arts and culture. It has been argued that the role of art and culture in Hong Kong has taken on incr easing significance in the city's search for an identity over the past 13 years since China resumed sovereignty over the territory. More and more people identify themselves as Hongkonger and less as Chinese or British colonist.People are defining themselves as Hongkongers and conserving Hong Kong’s heritage, especially architectures and sites where their collective memories came from is part of that self-defining. Along with these attempts is a change in societal expectations. Hong Kong used to be a developers’ dream as economic prosperity over the past 30 years has been largely due to its immense rate of construction. Now people see the paradox that as they are advancing to become a global city they are also losing parts of their lives, thus there emerged voices on conservation.While the Hong Kong government’s heritage policies—or lack thereof—are threatening to destroy what is left of our past that constitutes our cultural identity in the name of development, people start to speak out on preserving what they grew up with and feel it is important to taking the lead in mentoring the next generation about Hong Kong’s history and cultural heritage. The public space in Hong Kong being a battle field In Hong Kong, every inch of land is labeled with an economic value. The high value of land in Hong Kong heightens the level of control and conflict in land use.In the past few years, we have already seen the tenement houses on Wing Lee Street in Central, the Graham Street Market in Central, Lee Tung Street and Queen’s Pier in Wanchai, all being the landmarks of old Hong Kong, earmarked for destruction. We have also seen the privatization of public space at the expenses of public interests: shopping centers in public housing estates originally managed by the Housing Authority have been privatized by The Link; the development of West Kowloon are tilted towards orporate interests not the livelihood of residents; The harbou r front of Hong Kong Island, cut off from the living space of ordinary people, has turned into the backyard of luxurious private residential complexes or giant shopping mall housing all the big global brands; the Central seafront reclamation area also falls into the same fate -it is designed as an extension of government offices and the huge Mody Mall, instead of being considered for cultural and recreational use as demanded by the Hong Kong public.Urban and social planning on land use and distribution of wealth shows a tendency of being biased towards corporate and capitalists’ interests. Hong Kong people are yet to have a say to the use of their own space and this has given rise to many social problems such as public’s opposition sentiment towards government, self-identity crisis, substitution of local diversity and choices by global demands for homogeneity, widened gap between the rich and the poor, and so on.The turning points that awake the government One of the t urning points in public opinion with respect to heritage preservation was the renewal of Lee Tung Street in Wanchai. This street was well known to all of Hong Kong as â€Å"The Wedding Card Street. † All the little shops provided all the props necessary to have a happy and prosperous Chinese wedding, giving this street an aura of vibrancy and joy. However, the urban renewal authority had targeted the whole street for renewal.Many of the shopkeepers were upset to be pushed out of the area as they felt want to stay here not just for business but also because they had established a community with neighborhoods from a few generations and therefore a strong emotional attachment with the place. There were many protests and banners expressing the dissatisfaction of the shopkeepers. The public outcry did not work to influence the government’s decision and the shops are now all closed awaiting redevelopment.Another turning point is the demolition of the Queen’s Ferry pie r along with its iconic clock tower in Wanchai in December 2006 as part of the traffic development plan for Wanchai. It has led to widely publicized protests and even hunger strikes that the government had not anticipated. Yet the citizens again lost in the battle to fight for public space. The pier was a â€Å"young† 49 years when it was destroyed and was not considered old enough by the authorities and, therefore, it did not have enough heritage value.Yet, to many Hong Kong people, the historic value of the pier is not measured only by its duration or by a number as of years or days, for time is also related to the question of memory, experience, moment. According to Local Action, a local group with hundreds of members that led the protests against the government with the goal of saving Hong Kong’s culture heritage and public space, â€Å"The pier is a symbol of Hong Kong history with strong socio-political significance for many social and political events took plac e at the pier.It had also been used by many royalties and governors as they came to Hong Kong and many demonstrations took place here, signifying its importance as a landmark† People expressed that it is also a place where their memories and experiences came from therefore they have developed a strong attachment to â€Å"their place†. This public reaction echoes John Urry in â€Å"Reinterpreting Local Culture from Consuming Placesâ€Å", in which John remarked that â€Å"the object signifies the place and that if the object were to be demolished or substantially changed then that would signify a threat to the place itself. †

Sunday, January 5, 2020

A Case Of Accounting Fraud - 1555 Words

Another major case of accounting fraud driven by the desire to build and protect one’s personal financial condition is the WorldCom debacle. Bernie Ebbers had to show continually growing net worth in order to avoid margin calls on his own WorldCom stock that he had pledged to secure loans. When WorldCom, the telecommunications giant, failed and was put into bankruptcy, the U.S. witnessed the largest accounting frauds in history. Former CEO, Bernie Ebbers, was convicted of orchestrating this accounting fraud and was sentenced to 25 years in prison in July of 2005. For Ebbers, who is 63 years old and has a heart ailment, this will likely mean spending the rest of his life behind bars for his role in the biggest corporate accounting fraud in US history. He was convicted by a federal district court in New York of fraud, conspiracy and making false filings. The fraud carried out at WorldCom amounted to a staggering $11 billion, far greater even than the accounting manipulations at Enron. Thousands of workers lost their jobs and life savings after WorldCom collapsed in the summer of 2002, and tens of thousands of investors were defrauded. WorldCom made major accounting misstatements that hid the increasingly risky financial condition of the company, by recording more than $9 billion in false or unsupported accounting entries in WorldCom s financial systems in order to achieve desired reported financial results. In 1983, Ebbers formed Long Distance Discount Service (LDDS). TheShow MoreRelatedThe Case About Accounting Fraud At Worldcom1964 Words   |  8 Pagesthe analysis of the case about Accounting Fraud at WorldCom Group member: Weichuan Xu Miao zhou 1. What are the pressures that lead executives and managers to cook the books? Firstly, one of the pressure is the company’s goal that was made by the top executive Ebbers. There is an economic recession and the bubble collapse which make the conditions deteriorate in 2012. 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